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Hyperspin 1.3.3 Download
Hi Arcade Fans,here I bring you the new Nintendo Entertainment System wheel. As always, I have made it in horizontal style and in 16:9 aspect ratio. To become visible through hyperspin wheel, but they are unsupported with LedBlinky. + - Fixed - Some systems with the same beginning name as another were not detected. Version + - Added - Support for SWF wheels (copy & symlinks) for Hyperspin.
Want to take avantage of LEDBlinky using RGB or LED buttons? I've already configured every system to properly light and respond to the selected game's buttons. For example, if you choose Galaga from the MAME wheel. All player one buttons will dim while only the Fire button will light up. Game controls are also spoken so you never have to guess what buttons are used with the selected game.
Hyperspin Arcade Download
All arcade titles are configured to save high scores. High scores are also displayed on the Hyperspin frontend whenever you a game preview is selected.
All console titles support save states as well as graphic filters, and plugins pre-installed incase you desire to visualy enhance your game play by adding graphic filters. I do not set these by default. The more filters that are applied, the more demanding the emulator is on your machine's hardware. This ensures your system will load and play all support game titles one your drive arrives. I only preset graphic filters on custom build machines since I know they have the proper hardware to handle the demand.