- This release of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS7) includes updated modules to implement the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition (HCM6) procedures for Signalized Intersections, Urban Streets, Alternative Intersections, Roundabouts, Freeway Facilities, Basic Freeway Segments, Freeway Weaving Segments, Freeway Merge & Diverge Segments, and Multilane Highways, while the methodologies.
- PO Box 116585, Gainesville, FL US Toll Free: 1-800-226-1013 Fax: (352) 392-6629 Email: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu.
Highway Capacity Software Download. Highway Capacity Manual - Capacity Planning Software - Highway - Data Highway - Heavy Highway. TEAPAC enables you to optimize a wide range of traffic engineering procedures within the transportation engineering and planning disciplines.
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) is a publication of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science in the United States. It contains concepts, guidelines, and computational procedures for computing the capacity and quality of service of various highway facilities, including freeways, highways, arterial roads, roundabouts, signalized and unsignalized intersections, rural highways, and the effects of mass transit, pedestrians, and bicycles on the performance of these systems.[1][2]
There have been six editions with improved and updated procedures from 1950 to 2016, and major updates to the HCM 1985 edition, in 1994, 1997 and 2015.[1][3][2] The HCM has been a worldwide reference for transportation and traffic engineering scholars and practitioners, and also the base of several country specific capacity manuals. The current version, the Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis, or HCM 2016, or HCM6, was released in October 2016 The sixth edition incorporates the latest research on highway capacity, quality of service, active traffic and demand management, and travel time reliability.[2]
There are more than six decades of research behind the HCM. The first edition of the Highway Capacity Manual was released in 1950 and contained 147 pages broken apart into eight parts. It was the result of a collaborative effort between the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the Bureau of Public Roads, predecessor to the Federal Highway Administration.[1]
The following editions were published by the Transportation Research Board in 1965, 1985, 2000, 2010 and 2016. The fifth edition HCM 2010 was the culmination of a multiagency effort—including TRB, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and Federal Highway Administration—over many years to meet the changing analytical needs and to provide contemporary evaluation tools.
In 2013 the Transportation Research Board contracted the development of a major update to the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. The new and revised material was scheduled to be published as a 2015 interim update of the HCM 2010, known as the HCM 2015 Update.[4][5] The final version, published as the Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis, or HCM 2016, or HCM6, was released in October 2016 and is available from TRB.[2] The sixth edition incorporates the latest research on highway capacity, quality of service, active traffic and demand management, and travel time reliability.[2]
See also[edit]
- ^ abcHighway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2000. ISBN0-309-06681-6. Chapter 1
- ^ abcdeTransportation Research Board (TRB) (2016-10-24). 'Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis'. TRB. Retrieved 2016-10-25.
- ^HCM 2010 Major Update
- ^Transportation Research Board (TRB). 'NCHRP 03-115 — Production of a Major Update to the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual'. TRB. Retrieved 2014-04-15.
- ^Transportation Research Board (TRB). 'Workshop on HCM 2015 Update Development'. TRB. Retrieved 2014-04-15.
External links[edit]
- HCM6 Overview, McTrans, Transportation Institute, University of Florida
Junctions is a software package by Transport Research Laboratory. It incorporates ARCADY and PICADY which were previously separate programs marketed by TRL.
Highway Capacity Software Version 7 Arrow Clever Word
Developer(s) | Transport Research Laboratory |
Stable release | |
Operating system | Windows |
Type | Traffic software |
License | Proprietary software |
Website | http://www.trlsoftware.co.uk/ARCADY |
ARCADY is the acronym for (Assessment of Roundabout Capacity And DelaY). This software, produced by the Transport Research Laboratory (UK), models traffic capacity, queues and delays at roundabouts.[1] The software is largely based on empirical relationships between roundabout geometry and capacity, which were established as the result of extensive research carried out on existing roundabouts on the UK road network, as well as controlled test track facilities over a period of over a decade.[2]
The program is used by traffic engineers when assessing existing layouts or when analysing the impacts of proposed design changes. Estimates of annual accident frequencies can also be obtained.[3]
System Software Version
The capacity and safety relationships which ARCADY utilises are discussed in the UK's Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.[4]
RODEL is similar to ARCADY and utilises TRL equations under licence from TRL.
Recent developments[edit]
From ARCADY 7 onwards, the software has been capable of communicating with certain CAD software, aiding real-time design analysis.
ARCADY 7 introduced the ability to model simple networks of linked roundabouts.
In ARCADY 8, the Highway Capacity Manual 2010 methodology for roundabout analysis was made available.
ARCADY 8 also introduced a simulation technique to deal with the modelling of certain configurations such as lane usage at roundabouts.
'ARCADY Lite' is a simplified version of ARCADY 8 that provides basic analysis of roundabouts.
ARCADY 9 includes built-in tools for graphically measuring roundabout geometries and for assisting with the transfer of traffic flow data from other sources (typically spreadsheets).
PICADY (Priority Intersection Capacity and Delay) is a program for modelling three and four arm priority junctions in a similar manner to ARCADY. It is based on empirical relationships which link capacity and safety with road geometric parameters such as carriageway widths and visibilities.[5] These relationships are discussed in the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.[6]
PICADY can also model pedestrian crossings on the approaches to priority junctions.[7]
PICADY 5 can model the following junction forms:
- T-junction (3 arms)
- Straight crossroads (4 arms)
- Staggered crossroads (4 arms)
PICADY 9 includes Highway Capacity Manual 2010 models for Two-Way Stop-Controlled and All-Way Stop-Controlled intersections.
- ^Kimber, R.M., The Traffic Capacity of Roundabouts, TRL Laboratory Report LR942, 1980.
- ^Roundabout Design for Capacity and Safety: the UK Empirical Methodology
- ^Maycock, G. and R.D. Hall, Accidents at 4-Arm Roundabouts, TRL Laboratory Report LR1120, 1984.
- ^DMRB TD 16/07: Geometric Design of Roundabouts
- ^ Kimber, R.M. and R.D. Coombe, The Traffic Capacity of Major/Minor Priority Junctions, TRL Laboratory Report SR582, 1980.
- ^DMRB TD 42/95: Geometric Design of Major/Minor Priority Junctions
- ^Transport for London, Traffic ModellingGuidelines v3.0, http://content.tfl.gov.uk/traffic-modelling-guidelines.pdf
External links[edit]
See also[edit]