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- Student Affairs Master Degree Programs
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It’s the time of year where prospective students from around the US and beyond are looking at the graduate schools where they can pursue a master’s degree in higher education or student affairs. Choosing a master’s degree, however, is not an easy task. There are many criteria to consider. Here are a few of the criteria that can be overlooked:
Broaden your search
As of December 31, 2019. Includes alumni who graduated with an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree from APUS. Student loan debt is defined as student loans and private education loans used for tuition, fees, living expenses, and book costs associated with courses taken at APUS. Master of arts, master of science, and master of education degrees are all available and the concentration name may vary slightly, with a title similar to student affairs and college counseling such as college student personnel services. Graduate Programs; Student Affairs in Higher Education (Master of Arts). The Master of Arts in Student Affairs in Higher Education is designed to prepare students for leadership positions in the student affairs division of a college or university. Graduates receive the qualifications and training for employment in a variety of student. The Master of Education in Student Affairs program provides students with a transformative learning experience founded on theory-to-practice. In producing practitioner-scholars, the faculty combine in.
It can be tempting to only look at “master’s in higher education and student affairs.” The reality is that there are different degree titles that would be equally interesting. For instance:
M.Ed. Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration (HESA), University of Vermont
M.Ed. / M.A. Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis – Higher Education (ELPA), University of Missouri
M.Ed. Higher Education Management, University of Pittsburgh
M.A. Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE), Colorado State University
M.S.Ed. in Educational Leadership – Higher Education, Old Dominion University
M.S. Student Affairs & Higher Education (SAHE), Indiana State University
Several programs also allow students to specialize in a specific area or offer multiple tracks. For example, the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a master’s degree in Global Higher Education. The University of Pittsburgh offers two specializations: Student Services or Management. Good resources to look at most programs available in the US are the NASPA Graduate Program Directory and the ACPA Program Directory.
Student Affairs Program
The cohort model is not necessarily better
When I was looking at graduate schools, most programs put a lot of emphasis on their cohort model. They made it sound like something universally desirable. While I have had positive experiences in both cohort-based programs and non-cohort programs, I would argue that cohort-based programs are not intrinsically better. They might be a better fit for some people, but ultimately I decided it was not the best fit for me. I am glad I did.
In my program, I get to have class with a diverse group of people ranging from professionals in the field, PhD students, full-time faculty members, a state representative, international students, etc. The breadth of knowledge and experiences available in a class setting has been invaluable in my learning journey. I get to take classes in other departments and even at a different university within the University of Missouri system. My educational experience is rich and diverse and I have been able to network with researchers, professionals and faculty members throughout the campus and beyond in my classes. These many connections are extremely beneficial.
Not all institutions will provide the same opportunities
When choosing a graduate school, it’s important to look at the full package. Here are some questions you should be asking program directors:
– What kind of assistantships are available?
– Is it possible to change assistantship after a year?
– Are there assistantships available off-campus?
– What is the full remuneration for an assistantship? Is health insurance provided? Are professional development opportunities available? Will funding be available to present at or to attend conferences? Do they fully waive tuition? Is tuition also waived for summer classes? How many months are assistantships? Is that flexible?
– What are the opportunities for practical training? Are there internships or practica available?
– Is there a culminating project, a comprehensive exam or a thesis?
– Are research opportunities available?
– What kind of resources and facilities are available through the department, college and on a campus level?
The institutional type of the school and program delivery mode make a difference
You may want to ask yourself what kind of institution you ultimately want to work for and try to apply to programs at similar institutions in terms of mission and size. If you are not sure yet, consider the following. If’ interested in research, you may want to look at research intensive universities including AAU institutions.
On the other hand, if you are interested in student development and working in student affairs, you may look at smaller campuses that often allow more one-on-one interactions with students. Ivy League universities don’t tend to offer many programs in student affairs, but they are well known for offering outstanding student support. Public Ivies, however, are more prone to offer student affairs graduate degrees.
Some programs are offered online, while others are hybrid and many are traditionally programs that require residency and in-seat classes. That is something else to consider when looking at what kind of schools you want to apply to.
Finally, you may not be ready to undertake a graduate degree just yet, but be interested in learning more about the field. I chose to complete a certificate in Student Affairs and Services at a community college which could be completed online. I have met several students in my department that started as non-degree seeking or as graduate certificate students. Free MOOCs offered online can serve as good introductions to the field, such as Exploring the Student Affairs in Higher Education Profession.
You don’t have to limit your search to American institutions
Research shows that American higher education and student affairs programs tend to do a poor job in preparing graduates to engage on the global scene. So it’s becoming increasingly important to understand international dynamics and to foster transnational collaboration. No American institution made the world’s top 100 of most international universities. Therefore, getting credentials abroad is a great way to stand out on the job market. Here are a few programs to consider:
M.Ed. Higher Education, University of Toronto
M.Ed. Post-Secondary Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland
M.Ed. / M.A. Higher Education, University of British Columbia
M.A. Higher Education Administration and Leadership, Royal Roads University
M.A. Student Affairs in Higher Education, Anglia Ruskin University
M.A. Research and Practice in Higher Education, Kingston University London
If you have any other tips for choosing a master’s degree, comment below!
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The College of Graduate Studies provides leadership and support to scholars engaged in over 100 master’s, doctoral, and advanced certificate programs at San Diego State. In collaboration with faculty, staff and students across the sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences, arts, education and business, our team strives to ensure the integrity and high quality of graduate degrees, and facilitate their timely completion.
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Student Affairs Master Degree Programs
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San Diego State University excels in innovation, research, and creative activities due in a large part to the success of our graduate students. For many graduate programs, these accomplishments culminate in a thesis or dissertation that is expected to be of the highest quality for the field. Because research expectations and requirements vary widely, students are generally expected to develop a research plan with their Graduate Advisor or Thesis Chair in their first semesters at SDSU.
Student Affairs Master Degree Programs Accredited
Mysteries of the Microbiome Spark a Lifelong Passion
Student Affairs Master Degree Programs Offered
A mix of curiosity and motivation fueled Pedro Torres during his doctoral studies at SDSU, where he authored 12 scientific papers, including one with positive implications for women's health. Read more about Pedro Torres.