Canadian Driver License Format

  1. Canadian Driver's License Format
  2. Canadian Driver License Format
  3. Canadian Driver License Formats

Option 2: Read Driver’s Licenses in Android and iOS Native Apps. If you are looking to read a driver’s license in a native app, please refer to the instructions in the article: How to Recognize US Driver’s License on Android Mobile Apps. Parse PDF417 Results into a Human-readable Format. Driver’s License and Identification Card Diplomatic Tax Exemption Cards Diplomatic Immunity Cards. Canadian Passport. Shows current passport for Canadian citizens. Consular ID Cards. Issued by foreign consulates in the United States to their citizens living in the United States. Canada Permanent Resident Card.

Last Updated on 2021-01-17

According to the Card Design Standard by AAMVA, the PDF417 two-dimensional bar code symbology is the minimum mandatory machine-readable technology that must be present on compliant driving license/identification documents. The barcode encodes key information about the cardholder, including name, date of birth, sex, eye color, height, and many others.

There are two ways to extract data from a driver license for a machine:

FormatCanadian driver
  • Using OCR technology to recognize the characters printed on an ID
  • Use barcode recognition technology to decode the PDF417 symbology and then parse it into human-readable formats

Generally speaking, the latter is more accurate and cost-effective than the former. In this article, we discuss how to use barcoding technology for text extraction from a driver’s license.

Extract Data from PDF417 of Driver Licenses on Mobile

Option 1: Decode PDF417 from Cameras in a Web Application

If you are looking to read a driver’s license from a camera source, please refer to the instructions in the article: How to Recognize US Driver’s License in JavaScript.

Download the full sample

Option 2: Read Driver’s Licenses in Android and iOS Native Apps


If you are looking to read a driver’s license in a native app, please refer to the instructions in the article: How to Recognize US Driver’s License on Android Mobile Apps.

Parse PDF417 Results into a Human-readable Format

After the PDF417 value is decoded, we can then parse it into separate fields.

Read PDF417 from Scanners

If the driver’s license is copied on paper, you can digitalize it from a document scanner using Dynamic Web TWAIN first.

To see how this works, you can give it a try at the demo here.

Please note that this demo also features document scanning, which is powered by Dynamsoft’s Web TWAIN SDK.

Try Dynamsoft Barcode Reader

If you’re at the stage where you’re testing different options, try Dynamsoft Barcode Reader online demo or download a 30-day free trial. There’s no commitment necessary.

This image is pretty much self explanatory.

Canadian Driver's License Format

Many people in Ontario work in the service industry. In some cases, such as waiters and waitresses, it may be necessary to look at a driver’s licence to verify a person’s age. But it is also helpful to know if the ID being presented is a FAKE ID. As you can see, there are a lot of minor points in a real licence has that a fake licence may not have.
In no particular order:

Canadian Driver License Format

  • The picture should match the person in front of you of course.
  • The last 6 digits of a drivers license are the y-ymmdd of your birthday.
  • The mm of a female licence is 50 higher. So a man born on jan. 1 is 0101 a female is 5101.
  • The first letter of a drivers licence is the same as the first letter of your last name.
  • The year month and date of birth are under the photo.
  • Not shown in this picture is that people under 19 have an extra line that says when they turn 19.

Canadian Driver License Formats

This is how you read an Ontario Licence. It is great for bouncers, waiters and tavern owners to help figure out how old someone is.
This will also help you see if an ID is fake, as many fake id’s do not have all these details correct.

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